SAVE MONEY IN AIR FREIGHT Lack of raw material for boxes and air freight availability problems have brought serious struggles for the flower industry worldwide. There´s not a clear idea of a specific time this would all be solved somehow so this basically forces us to build solutions among what´s possible for the industry to control. 3 main causes of the problem Efficiency can always improve, and some alternatives have been explored but first we should look at the 3 main problems that cause inefficiency: 1. Very few flowers inside the box: this is basically too much air inside the box due to a wrong box size for the order. Flowers are sold in unlimited ways: stems/bunch, sizes, lengths, colors, varieties, opening point, etc. This variability will naturally cause inefficiency in some of these different ways but if we don’t have the correct box options according to the orders, or at least most of the, this would keep the inefficiency as a problem. Pic1. Not havin...